Choosing A Fence For Your Adult Care Facility: Things To Consider

As the owner of an adult day care facility, there are many improvements that you may wish to make to the property, and a fence may be one of them. Choosing a fence for your facility's outside perimeter is a choice that does take some prior consideration. Here are a few questions to know the answers to before you settle on a certain type of fence. 

How much time do residents spend outdoors?

When choosing a fence for your adult care facility, it is always best if you first consider just how much time the patients spend outdoors. If you only take brief trips outside with a few patients, it may not be financially logical to go all out and install a tall-standing privacy fence that will cost more money. Something like a short-statured picket-style fence may work just fine for the purpose. On the other hand, if you take patients outside daily and spend a lot of time outside, something more substantial may be more suitable and well worth the money even though it can be more expensive. 

Is there a lot of traffic (either foot or vehicular) around the facility?

If there is a lot of traffic in the area, it can be better if you go with a fence that will offer some level of privacy for your patients. Solid wooden privacy fences or chain-link fences with vinyl slats are both really good options. If you have patients that are more sensitive to loud sounds, however, a solid wooden privacy fence can be the better choice of the two. The wood acts as a noise barrier better and helps to deflect some of the sounds that can come along with busy streets or sidewalks that surround the facility. 

What is the primary purpose of installing a fence around the facility?

Are you going for patient protection, or is the privacy of your clients your main concern? Are you looking to protect the grounds from outside intrusion? Are some patients prone to wandering? All of these are important things to think about before settling on a certain type of fence. Most adult care facilities will have a combination of things they wish to address with fence installation, and there are fence types that are flexible enough to fill multiple needs. Work with a commercial fence installation company to go over the options and what attributes each type can offer.

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Your Source for Fencing Information and Advice The decision to put up a fence is a big one, but it is followed by several more smaller decisions. How tall do you want the fence to be? What material should you choose? What kind of gate do you want, and where should it be placed? The more you know about fencing in general, the better able you will be to answer these questions. And after browsing our website, you should feel very knowledgeable about fencing, indeed. The articles we've compiled here will shed light on the benefits of different types of fencing, the proper fencing heights for various purposes, and more. Start reading — we hope you enjoy what you find.



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