Things That Need To Be Considered For A Residential Fence Installation

There are a lot of great reasons to have a fence installed around your residential property. You get a certain level of privacy, you prevent people and dogs from wandering into your private space, and the fence can help raise the value of your home. However, this does not mean that you can just go buy any fence, slap it in place, and then call it a day. There are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration for a residential property fence installation. Here are some of those things:

Confirmation Of Property Lines

You need to make sure that you are certain of where the property lines are. Even if you have always been under the impression that the property lines are in a certain location and none of your neighbors have disputed it with you, you need to get confirmation of their location before a fence is put up. You could end up getting sued if the fence is installed over the property line. You could get told by the codes department to take down your fence if it is on your side of the line but too close to it. This is because many towns have ordinances about how far back from the property line the fence needs to be.

Apply For The Appropriate Permits

If you are simply replacing an existing fence with a new one, you will most likely not be required to obtain a permit. However, it is always a good idea to double-check. If you are installing a fence for the first time, you will generally need a permit and permission for the type of fence you want. For example, some towns do not allow tall privacy fences and have height limits for the fences. Check the rules before buying your fencing posts and panels.

Once you have figured out all of the details of your desired fence installation, it is time to start calling around so you can speak with a few different fence installation companies and contractors. Each one that is available for additional work will most likely need to come to your residence to take some measurements, inspect the areas where the fence posts would need to be put in, and discuss fence types and payment options with you. The sooner these consultations are done, the sooner you will be able to start enjoying your newly fenced-in yard.

Contact a professional for more information about residential fence installation

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Your Source for Fencing Information and Advice The decision to put up a fence is a big one, but it is followed by several more smaller decisions. How tall do you want the fence to be? What material should you choose? What kind of gate do you want, and where should it be placed? The more you know about fencing in general, the better able you will be to answer these questions. And after browsing our website, you should feel very knowledgeable about fencing, indeed. The articles we've compiled here will shed light on the benefits of different types of fencing, the proper fencing heights for various purposes, and more. Start reading — we hope you enjoy what you find.



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